Sunday, June 3, 2012

Lowell for the weekend!

Upon my arrival in New York, I thought I was prepared to embrace myself with the fast-paced life there. Alas! I most certainly could but it is not a weeny bit nice at all. Dont get me wrong, it's really interestig and truly an eye opener, it's just that why would you want to live such a hectic life? Are you afraid time aint passing fast ebough before death shows up at our front door? Precisely! I love dressing up, looking elegant in the city but take my word, New York city is the extreme of fast! So, last saturday, I figured I needed a break because I know at the start of next week, its going to be a tough time for me and thus, I made a rash trip back home, Lowell. To the arms of my beaver man. The 5 hour journey back home squeezed whatever energy that was left in me ever since my arrival in nyc but when i touchdown Lowell city, seeing my man in his red raincoat just staring at me restored everything that was sucked outta me! :) it was like those moments in a movie clip where we would just run into each others arms, and when he said hello I melted onto his arms. It was amazing, that feeling was absolutely fantastic! As We walked hand in hand into the car, I gave him a huge kiss. Oh how i have missed that beautiful face of his! His smell, his touch and his smile. We had the night all to ourselves. Cuddling, and more cuddling! The next day, he asked me to hang out with his mom and himself at Boston befOre heading back to new yOrk. Initially i politely declined because thats a mother son bonding time, i sure as hell do not want to take that away, but he suggested that again the next day so I was delighted! We were at a vintage flea market, just looking at random stuffs and art. We have that in common.all three of us. It was one of the best times in my life, I most certainly enjoyed every second of it. :) He is just amazing. His mom rocks twice as hard too. My weekend was complete with their presence. Now, as i am writing this i am on the bus back to the Big Apple. I want to fulfill my dreams here, improve myself, get hair bloody treatment and pamper myself as much as I could because I am in new york city and this is where dreams come true. Make my beaver proud. And take the time to appreciate us ! 💋

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