Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Get your own life.

Okay, so they say my life's colourful, boisterous, fantastic and really really happening. Yeah, thats because I am myself, and I take charge of my own life in creating aka. painting the whole picture.

Now, having that said, imagine someone wants to be IN the picture that you have painted. Or possibly, they
 want to be part of your life.

They act like you. They wanna look like you.,They wanna hang out with the same people you hang out just because they think the group you are hanging out are cool.

You might as well just be me! Such a pity, you're not, you are not living such a bad life yourself, so don't frigging envy others. Each individual in spite of the gorgeous painting they've created, there's somewhat a flaw in it. So that ain't a bed of roses. Go live your own damn life. And be the person YOU ARE. And not photocopying every single image you see on the magazines, tv, friends of yours.
I wish I could so totally tell you this right to your face, but, I can't. I am not a meanie bitch.

Also, thanks for envying me. but puhlease, go be yourself.

Oh, and dear Lord, I pray that you return this girl her own spirit, her own true self in such manner that she would not live in other people's identity but hers.


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