Monday, March 21, 2011

5 fun facts about me!

Yoooo hoooo! Like finally, I am exposing a tad of my deep dark skeletons that were hidden beneath my pile of clothes that were there for aeons... NOT.  Just a week, I suppose. :P

So, are you ready to rumble guys??

Here it goes:

Fun Fact 1: 

My mom calls me everyday to remind me that I'm getting really old and I should find a partner whom is ready to commit his life to me or mine to his. whichever way. *coughs and chokes on my coughs* (Im only 22+) lol.

Fun Fact 2: 

Every night before I go to bed, I sorta become this other person. I call myself a Director, an actress and Script writer because I would close my eyes, and imagine myself in a total different world doing what I want-to-do-but-pretty-hard-to-achieve-in-real-life sorta thangs. (Lemme let u in on a MAJOR Secret, my latest night-movie, I have Chace Crawford as my soon-to-be-hubby. Now now, keep it hush!)

Fun Fact 3: 

I used to wish I was a guy because I knew I would be a really good looking guy and I could get all the girls I want and not worry about getting pregnant at the end of the day. when i'm married. because I've watched some videos and those are not the things I could handle. GEEZ

Fun Fact 4: 

I freaking cry too much. like, at any single sight of an old lady or a disabled man crossing the road causing foreign liquid to build at the brink of my eye and slowly turning into a disaster event of flash flood and oh. the horrors of swollen eye.

Fun Fact 5: 

When I was younger, my mom tells me that I used to be stealing food outta my lil bro's plate because I was a huge eater and whatever that was on my plate weren't enough for me and the amount of beatings I had over that issue was outrageous.. And heck yeah you got it right if you think I was a fat chubby plump baby girl yo! A cute fat chubby plump baby girl that is.

Well, it was supposed to be 10 Fun Facts about me, but my brains' too whacked up to think of the other 5 as I have a major AMG shitty paper to study for before tomorrow morning! Besides, wouldn't wanna let you guys in on me so much yet, do I? :P

signing off,

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