Saturday, February 19, 2011

Would you mind a temporary fairy tale?

Fairy tales are meant to be happily ever after! So yes, I do mind if its temporary. On second thought, better than not having the opportunity to experience em' eh?

So scratch that. I am okay with temporary. Certain things are not meant to lasts. They are similar to pebbles that forms your main walkway.

Coming back to me, I have had these teeny weeny pebbles throughout my life. And boy oh boy, were they incredible. Some ended up pretty badly but memories of em are worth the pain. ;)
And last night, I believe, another miniature fairy tale occurred.

Our eyes locked across the dance floor.

We were both smiling at each other. Our eyes and body language said it all.

As he slowly pushes his way across the crowd. to me. I went bonkers!

Epic part was,

He held out his hand across towards me. I swear he looked like a bleedin prince charming. He was just missing a white horse. LOL. I was in such a serious stirred and ruttish condition, I swear my adrenalines were exploding like fireworks in my body system.

I voluntarily laid my hands on his.

We danced for abit. He left.

He came back say, after 10 minutes, surprising me from behind.

Things got heated up. Really really steamy.

Blissful-ness. ahhhh.

Sweet tender notings he whispered into my ears. It was raving mad.
(esp the part where he said he didn't want this to end tonight. and he would love to see me again and asked fer my digits. I was ecstatic.)

Oh, how I wished the night hadn't end or that he had to leave so soon.

Now Im back to my life, happily ever after...

-The End-

Dearest readers, this is another chapter of my life. So you see, life doesn't suck all the time. :)

p/s: he's a total hunk!! I couldn't stop counting my lucky stars since then.

signing off,

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