Sunday, February 27, 2011

Life's too short for limitations.

I believe in going all out and doing just anything (below the extremity level that puts either urself or anyone else in danger) in this life.

Live life to the fullest. Do not restrict yourself to anything. Go experience the wonders of the world. The amazing people out there. Scrumptious and glorious food. Gorgeous weather. And the picturesque of the beautiful city; wherever you are in.

Go parties. Booze all night. Get wasted with your buddies. Go bonkers. Dance all night till your feet screams "stop effing torturing me!" Make out with hawt random guys. (Honestly, why not?!) But NO
 DRUGS! Y'all hear me?!
Expand your network connections, go meet fun people. Create lovely memories that could be encrypted in your brain's storage for a lifetime. This way, you wouldn't regret not doing all these whacko stuffs while you can. And when you're in your late 40s' or more, you wont' look back full of regrets.

Thats' my advice for the day.

Go have a ball mi loves! <3<3

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