Saturday, March 3, 2012

You know..

1) You know... when you haven't spoken to your close friend for a long long time, and when you finally did... It is just amazing because the connection is still there and you guys just share about everything that had happened in the entire time of your life. Thats the best moments because you realize, there is always someone on your back to share your laughter, your pain, your everything. And someone who doesn't judge you for being yourself.

2) You know... when you meet the right guy. It is when you want to build a future with him, being able to imagine and see yourself spending the rest of your life with him. I know I have met the right one, its just the uncertainty of future thats building a space between us. (contradicting, I know) Or perhaps, I think I have met the right one.

3) You know... when your life is amazing because you have almost everything, you don't need to live your life battling life-threatening disease, or when you are not disabled and having the difficulties to go through your daily life.

4) You know... your parents are simply amazing because they are nagging you 24/7. That shows how much they love you and care for you.

5) You know... you're a beautiful individual because you have the confidence. Don't let others rate you or determine what you should be in order to be in the category beautiful.

6) You know... you love me because you are jealous seeing other men on my phone wallpaper, and you just want me to be all yours, and you want me to take care of you.

Things are so uncertain right now, I try building this space of protection that can't be seen by naked eyes because I know, each time I go out with him, I fall for him deeper. This connection is just so strong because we may just meet once-twice a week but bloody bleeping shit, things just get better! We talk about everything. Politics, friends, food, holidays, wrestling, dissing one another. I am seriously terrified of this! Because I have never experienced anything this strong. (Well, I did once, and it ended up pretty badly, and this time is even stronger than last time). Doesn't this spell T-W-O-U-B-L-E? I know, I have had many many many many many spur of the moment kinda feeling thinking this is the most romantic guy ever. I know. And I ain't gonna even deny it. I've seen many blokes out there. Many is an understatement. It has been a month, I am still taking things really slowly, trying to distance myself as much as possible because I don't wanna think too much about a relationship. Nearly everyone I know whom has been in a long term relationship/marriage ends up horribly. I never felt more defeated. I don't even dare to build my hopes up, to dream of future and be certain that he's the one. But one thing I do know, I trust this dude. and I like him. and I really like him. and I'm just going to go with the flow. 

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